If you're just here to download the plugin that lets you search text in Excel shapes, skip to the bottom.
Excel is a necessary evil. It's not so much that I don't like the software, it works really well for many things.
For some reason it just lacks really useful and obvious functionality.
For example, a MAXIFS statement would be very useful, that way I could avoid using clunky array statements to get conditional maximums.
I really don't know why the Microsoft Gods have only given us some IFS functions and not others.
But the most annoying thing I've recently discovered is that Excel doesn't let you search objects.
For example, if you had 1,000 text boxes in your Excel workbook and
wanted to search through them to see if any contain some text, you simply couldn't.
Excel has a search function, but it will only find information that's been entered into a cell.
This is the issue I faced a few days ago. I was working on a project where I had a massive network web made
manually with shapes like rectangles, text boxes, arrows connecting everything, and so on.
Each figure had a name entered into it, and that name was used to identify a node that maps to other figures in the web.
Each time a new figure (or node) was added, it became harder to see which previously added nodes needed to be connected to the new one.
I had to manually read through each of the figures to see whether that node existed already.
Now I could have done that, but I'm kinda lazy. I don't want to spend all day sitting around manually sifting through shapes in Excel.
So I'm happy to say that after a bit of tweaking I developed a solution using VBA which I've written out below. This function searches all figures in
the current workbook tab and selects any figures that match. You can simply copy and paste the code into your module and run it.
Option Explicit
Sub FindAndSelectShape()
Dim shp As Shape
Dim sFind As String
Dim sTemp As String
sFind = InputBox("Find what?", "Find in Shapes")
If Trim(sFind) = "" Then MsgBox "Nothing entered": Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
Debug.Print shp.TopLeftCell.Address
sTemp = shp.TextFrame.Characters.Text
If Len(sTemp) Then
If InStr(1, sTemp, sFind, 1) Then
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = shp.TopLeftCell.Row
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = shp.TopLeftCell.Column
If MsgBox(shp.Name & vbCrLf & sTemp & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Do you want to continue?", vbYesNo, "Continue?") <> vbYes Then Exit Sub
End If
End If
MsgBox "Couldn't find any more"
End Sub
Of course, what kind of person has time to open their editor and paste stuff willy nilly.
To make everyone's lives easier, I've saved an Excel plugin here
(this link will take you to Google Drive where you can download the file). Once you've done that,
this blog post has really good instructions on how to install a custom plugin.
Once the plugin is installed, you can just press CTRL + SHIFT + F to bring up the search menu. It's really that easy.
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